


I already have life insurance. 我真的还需要购买危疾保险吗?

A It's important to note that the TD Critical Illness Recovery Plan1 provides benefits for the living.如果您从承保范围内的危疾中幸存,您的人寿保险可能不会予以赔付。此计划旨在帮助您和您的家人度过财务难关,使您能够专心康复。

I also have disability coverage.这还不够吗?


Say I have a heart attack—or other eligible critical illness—and recover in a few weeks or months...then return to work.我会得到赔付吗?


注:此为道明保险目前使用的危疾康复计划保险单组合示例。 If you have any questions regarding the Critical Illness Recovery Plan, please call to speak to an advisor, toll-free, at 1-888-788-0839 Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.

Why are only cancer (life-threatening), heart attack and stroke covered by your Critical Illness insurance?

A Cancer, heart attack and stroke, as defined in the Insurance Policy and subject to terms and conditions, are the most common illnesses occurring across all ages in Canada.2

How will I know if I’m eligible to make a claim?


What if the critical illness is terminal?


My premiums are low now, but will they increase in the future?


Will I have to pay taxes on any of the benefits I might receive?


For information or questions on your TD Critical Illness Recovery Plan coverage, please contact us at 1-888-788-0839.

1Underwritten by TD Life Insurance Company.
2Leading causes of death in Canada. 加拿大统计局,2016年。参见:http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/l01/cst01/hlth36a-eng.htm